HomeAstrologerThis Libra Full Moon Ritual Will Help You Cut Off Toxic Ties

This Libra Full Moon Ritual Will Help You Cut Off Toxic Ties

By Souls of Silver

The Full Moon of Libra is on the 19th of April, 2019. This portal of universal energy will begin to close on the 19th since it opened up in March.

The potent celestial event is going to recalibrate our relationships, assisting us in finding compassion, as well as sever the ties which bring us no benefit.

It is true that the energy which this event brings is going to shake up things in our relationships. It might also bring us to introspect our own belief systems and values.

This Celestial Event in itself is our final guide, but in case one is looking to pave way for betterment, this ritual is certainly going to make things easier.

Full Moon of Libra Ritual

For best effects, practice this from the 19th of April to the 29th of April, 2019

Necessary ingredients:

1. Tool of preference for cleansing – Essential oils, palo santo, sage, incense, and likewise.

2. Candles – 3

3. A pen and a piece of paper

Direction for the Ritual:

1. You must start by placing all the objects that you require for the ritual right in front of you, within easy reach. Start the process by using the preferred cleansing tool. One can also create a chant that could include the following:

– Release the energy that is not useful for me any longer.

– Release and cleanse the energy which does not belong to me anymore.

– Light is my protector and my shield.

– I am now cleansed, safe, protected, and radiant.

Next, cleanse the environment around you as well the ingredients of the ritual. One can create a chant which could include:

– My space is cleansed by loving energy and light of the universe.

– Light and the love of the universe surrounds my being now.

– My space is cleansed by peace and love.

– The white light which is boundless has cleansed my space.

– I am protected and safe.

– The only thing that has its place here is good and its constituents.

2. Using the pen, jot down the things which you want to leave in the past on the piece of paper. It can be anything whatsoever.

3. Place the candles in a triangular formation, placing yourself right in front of the candles. Set fire to the candles and put the piece of paper in the middle of the triangle that you just created with the burning candles. Shut your eyes to meditate and clear the mind as well as calm the spirits.

4. Once you are at peace, seize the moment to introspect about what you are letting go of and what you feel about it. Think of the good, the bad, and the ugly. The lessons it carried and which you learnt.

5. After that, grab the paper and press it onto the belly button. Shut your eyes imagining a connection emanating from your body onto the entity that you’re trying to detach yourself from. Now think about destroying this chord in your head. But while doing that, keep chanting:

“Thank you.”

6. Whilst keeping your eyes shut. Say everything you would prefer to before banishing it into the dark realm where it belongs. You can say things out loud or chant it or even say them in the mind.

7. After speaking out everything that you ever wished to say, take a turn, and start moving away. While doing so, imagine the chord falling off from your belly. Open the eyes whilst taking in deep breaths.

8. Grab the paper and tear it apart into shreds. You can rip it apart in several small rips or one giant one. Whatever your instincts tell you is fine.

9. Finally, take the paper shreds or pieces and dig a grave for them in the moonlight. Then bury the paper with the thoughts and entities to put them to rest. If this isn’t an option, burn the entity or just throw the pieces into recycling.

10. Cleanse your surroundings as well as your aura for the last time.

We hope this helps you put those demons that might have been causing troubles to you to rest. We wish you all the very best!

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