HomeAstrologerRitual To Tap Into The Energy Of The Super Full Moon

Ritual To Tap Into The Energy Of The Super Full Moon

By Souls of Silver

On 20th and 21st of March, we will get to witness a moon that is both a full moon and a super moon. It will be located exactly at 0 degrees Libra. This makes it a very powerful super moon which has the capacity to help us achieve great things. Combined with this is the power of the equinox. This multiplies the power of the super full moon and allows us the opportunity to start over on a clean slate.

When you tap into the power of this super full moon, you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated. It will feel like a breath of the purest air. It will seem like you’ve been granted a fresh lease on life. You will be inspired and full of happiness. The moon’s power will help you keep moving towards your goals. Your very soul will be vibrating with the excitement of all that you have to look forward to.

By performing these rites, you can let go of past mistakes that have been holding you back and allow yourself to be open to the adventures of the future. This rite will stabilize the energies flowing through you and make you a conduit for the power of the moon so that you can make the world more beautiful.

The Libran Rite For The Super Full Moon Of March 2019

Perform this rite in the last two weeks of this month if you wish to see maximum results.


  1. A tool for smudging
  2. Three buds of any kind of flower or three leaves
  3. Pure water in a bowl
  4. A dash of sea salt
  5. A tumbled amethyst if you can get one. Make sure that you clean it carefully before use.
  6. Candles if you can get them.

Read: Use The Power Of The Full Moon For Spiritual Growth


  1. Take out your tool and make sure that the space in which you are intending to perform the rite and your aura are both smudged. When you are smudging your body, start from your soles and work your way up to the crown of your head. While you’re doing that, pray that you will be able to let go of all the negativity that is affecting you. Pray that you will be able to throw off the burdens of the past that are holding you down. Visualize yourself floating as light as a feather and pray that gentler, more graceful energies find their way to you.

While you smudge the space around you, pray for all the stagnated energy around you to be cleansed. Cleanse the space around you so that more positive energies can flow through it. Pray for the safety and protection of your space, for happiness, and for good vibes that are capable of helping you prosper. Express your gratitude for the beauty that already pervades your life.

  1. If you have any candles, set them up and light them. Keep all the items you need next to you. Take your amethyst if you have it and seat yourself comfortably. With your eyes closed, breathe deeply in and out ten times and calm yourself.
  2. Holding one of the buds or the leaves, think of all that you have learned from your experiences so far. Express your gratitude for all the people and circumstances which have made you the person you are today. Choose one particular memory that has strongly influenced you and acknowledge your gratitude for all that you learned from it. Then allow it to slip through your fingers so that you can move forward. Be grateful for the past but understand that it is now time for the future.
  3. While breathing deeply, picture yourself letting go of the memories that are holding you back. Once you think you are ready, keep the bud in the pure water.
  4. Pick up another bud and while holding, recognize that you are who you are in that moment. Remember that self love is most important and you can let go of that which makes you feel discordant. Acknowledge that you have duties but also listen to your heart. Think about a memory that you take pride in but acknowledge that there are things you can change. Pray to your deity or to the universe for guidance so that you may be healed.
  5. While breathing deeply, picture yourself finding happiness and being healed. Once you are done, keep this bud in the water as well.
  6. Now holding on to the last bud, visualize your future as full of light. Think of it as the manifestation of all your desires and seek the guidance of the universe in making your dreams become reality. Pray that the right path be shown to you but also have faith that everything will happen at the right time.
  7. Inhale and exhale deeply before picturing yourself communicating your desires to the cosmos. Then keep the last bud in the water.
  8. Sprinkle some salt into the bowl and place your amethyst in it. Keep the bowl somewhere where the full moon’s light can fall on it for about a quarter of an hour or more.
  9. As the water is charging, practice meditation.
  10. Pick up your bowl and say this prayer thrice:

“I am ready to enter into the new. Mind, body, soul is balanced. I feel aligned.”

  1. Drink some of the water and allow the energy to flow through you. Those who don’t want to drink it can rub a little on their third eye or sprinkle some on their faces.
  2. Lastly, remove the amethyst and gently rub it dry. Place it near your bed for three nights. When the flowers become dry, place them back in the ground. And remember to put out the candles!

Read: Find Calm In Chaos During The Full Moon In Libra

Have a Happy Libra Full Moon!

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