HomeThe Lightworker5 Times You Needed To Speak Up For Your Own Good

5 Times You Needed To Speak Up For Your Own Good

By Souls of Sliver

There are many instances when you try to live up to other’s expectations. You do things against your own wishes, rely on others; beliefs in and let these people control the situation in order to maintain peace around you. Quite often you have sacrificed your happiness in order to see the people around you happy and cheerful.

Here goes a list of five different situations when you should speak up  in order to defend your own happiness and yourself:-

1. When you are driven by your passion

When people talk against what you believe in, it becomes really difficult for you to stand there and listen to them without saying a word. But you do so because you are reluctant to disturb the peace in the environment or you think that your reaction would not change their mindset.

But you must keep one thing in your mind – if you are passionate about something then you must make your point of view clear to the other person and make them understand why you do not share the same thoughts. It might not change the thought process of the people around you but it can help change the path where the conversation may flow afterwards.

2. When your goal is clear

There are situations when you have to do certain things to benefit other people but those acts are against your own ideas and thoughts. Although you instinctively try to help other people by going against your own self, which is very noble and important, it can create a gap between you and the crucial things that you should focus on.

You should always pay attention to the things that are important for your well-being and happiness. Most of the times it becomes really difficult to ignore or avoid the people around but it is essential for you to live for yourself because through this you would be able to reach your goals. In this way you must speak up for yourself.

3. When you face harassment

Harassment is inevitable. There is always someone who tries to control your needs and activities in some way or the other and as a result you are now a victim of their authoritarian nature.

This is dangerous to your mental health. You must always speak up for yourself when you believe that you are right. You should never let any person take charge or control over the situation and allow them to do whatever they want to do.

4. Protecting your ‘me-time’

Your time is your most important possession. Once you lose it, you will never regain it.

You must take time for yourself and do things that you think are important for yourself. You need to invest your time in the people for whom you care about and for the things that lead towards accomplishment of your goals. Therefore, you should understand how to utilize your time and it is completely alright to protect your most valuable possession.

5. When you draw the line and draw the limits

Often, people do not understand how to respect other person’s thoughts and the boundaries that the other person have regarding what he or she can accept and what he or she cannot.

Therefore, it is important for you to draw the line so that people understand where their limits are. It is when you are clear about your own boundaries and limits that you can speak up for yourself and avoid or counter any other opinions that cause harm to your well-being.

Try these points in your everyday life and stand up for yourself when you know you are right!



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