HomeAstrologer‘Tis The Taurus Season: Lay Foundation To Your Work

‘Tis The Taurus Season: Lay Foundation To Your Work

By Souls of Silver

The Taurus season is upon us. We all should already be feeling the rejuvenation that spring has brought. This is the height of the season of spring in the Northern hemisphere of the planet. It is now that the Taurus season compels you to lay a foundation and stabilize your life. This is the time that one should learn how to channel the powers of the planets to bring greatness in their lives.

Aries (21st of March to 19th of April)

Our star, the sun assists us in the strengthening of our financial pillars. This is the time to introspect what one has, what one requires, and what one desires. The planet of Mercury is in retrograde at this time, so it might be useful for you to sort our financial matters and then proceed in life. Delve deep into your passion and values and the success you desire is yours.

Read: This Taurus Season Focus On Your Inner Self

Taurus (20th of April to 20th of May)

This is the second New Year you have! A more personal one at least. Focus your attention to activities that excite you, those that expand your horizons, and make sure you do more of those activities. When you acknowledge and multiply your value, then all that is stopping you chips away to lets you harness the abundance of the universe.

Gemini (21st of May to 20th of June)

The sun is stimulating you to focus on yourself whilst focusing less onto others. Slow down the socializing you get yourself into. Nourish the spirit and your body with adequate rest as your personal year is about to start anew. Use this moment to start your life anew as well. Give your dreams the attention they deserve. Never undermine the importance of intuition and how it can steady the inner workings of the human mind.

Cancer (21st of June to 22nd of July)

Seize this moment to make stronger connections with people that are alike, people that support your values, and people that respect you. This time is vital for networking and making alliances to strengthen and fuel your ambitions. The planet of Mercury is in retrograde this time and people from your past can return and help you to realize what is most important for you.

Leo (23rd of July to 22nd of August)

The Taurus Season shall be your benefactor and assist you in laying down the pillars for prosperity in your professional life. Use this time wisely to set milestones for your life-long ambitions. Most importantly, have the motivation and courage to take on more responsibility and power in your professional space.

Virgo (23rd of August to 22nd of September)

This is the time that the season is providing you with the impetus to take a step out the ordinary and mundane life in order to see everything around you through a different view. Widening your spiritual, mental as well as physical horizons with activities such as studying, traveling, or even meditation is important in providing important insights. Logic is only going to be augmented with instinct and intuition.

Libra (23rd of September to 22nd of October)

The sensuality of the Taurus Sun is stimulating you to substantiate your connection with your significant other. Start by laying down a foundation for close bonds by establishing free communication of your needs, values, and feelings. The Retrograde of Mercury compels you to let go of something in the past. It is nothing but a burden. Begin to create the intimacy that you desire.

Scorpio (23rd of October to 21st of November)

This is the time to fortify the bonds you hold by spending time with the individuals that matter to you. Make sure there is no lack of effort either. Make sure that you let your partners and friends know that they are loved and appreciated. Partners from your past might make a comeback into your life, but that is only going to help you to understand what the most significant things in your life are.

Read: Taurus Season: Bring Change In Your Routine Lifestyle

Sagittarius (22nd of November to 21st of December)

The Taurus Sun compels you to focus on efficiency, organization, and simplification of your schedule. Use this to your advantage and start fresh habits that boost your health and life. The health of the body plays a vital role in determining your mental health too. When the body you live in feels good, you can see everything around you in a more positive light.

Capricorn (22nd of December to 19th of January)

The sun is hinting towards fun. Unless you have fun and enjoyment in your life, everything will just seem drab and lifeless. Giving yourself some time doing only the things you love will open you to new viewpoints and challenges, rejuvenating your energy and vigor to achieve things in life.

Aquarius (20th of January to 18th of February)

The Taurus Sun will present you with opportunities for fortifying the support base that you have. Use this time to delve deep into yourself and find out what are the things you require to feel safe, comfortable, and secure. It is on the spiritual level that you can finally become self-aware and change past emotional configurations which distract you from the feeling of being supported.

Pisces (19th of February to 20th of March)

The power of the sun compels you to speak what you feel. It is with proper and honest communication that your feelings, needs, and thoughts help rejuvenate your bonds and boost opportunities to receive support. Your mental dimension should also receive some much-needed boost and fortification with fresh perspectives and new information. Learning money management might be a good place to start.

How eager are you to embrace the changes your life is going to bring this year?

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