By Souls of Silver
The month of March is beginning with a Full Moon in the sign of Virgo and will be ending with an Aries New Moon. The phenomenon of the New Moon happens when the transiting Sun and Moon come together in the same Zodiac sign. They are associated with beginnings, enthusiasm, and high energy.
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24th March 2020 will be the day when the New Moon will rise in the sign of Aries at 5:29 AM ET. Be assured that this time is going to be full of passion and drive. Aries is known to always keep moving, it doesn’t want to sit idle. This New Moon will push you to do the same.
Being the 1st Zodiac sign, Aries will help and encourage you to initiate things. Anything that you’ve been thinking about for a long time and wish to passionately pursue should be started at this time.
The Full Moon in Virgo might have left you a little exhausted but don’t worry, the Aries New Moon has got your back! This energy will be specially focused on the house where the Moon is currently moving through in your birth chart.
One downside of this Aries energy is that it can make you reckless, impatient, accident-prone and impulsive. So, you’ve to try and curb such hunches. Instead, focus this enthusiasm towards productive work and see how quickly you succeed in it!
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Due to its conjunction with Black Moon Lilith in Aries and Chiron, the Aries New Moon becomes all the more exciting. Chiron is known to be the wounded healer that helps in recovering from past wounds. So, this will be an excellent time to heal yourself. Black Moon Lilith stands for the inner power of the Moon. Thus, it encourages us as well to take a stand for ourselves and empower ourselves. It will encourage us to speak for ourselves. If there has been something that has been bothering you or hurting you and you don’t want to face it anymore then speak against it. Oppose those who’ve been hurting you.
Overall, this Aries New Moon will bring you sufficient enthusiasm and confidence. It will make you stand for yourself and achieve new things. Use this opportunity, don’t let it slip!
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