By Souls of Silver
Does this title tickle your curiosity? Well, read ahead.
The newest Full Moon in November would see Mars squaring Jupiter. Now, while this would mean that you will feel all sexy and hip; remember that this would also make you reckless and impulsive. This devil-may-care approach to everything might look hot initially but it would soon pave the way for several new risks and dangers.
It must be added that the Full Moon conjoining at the Pleiades Star Cluster would lead the individual into losing his temper over petty subjects, and turning into a megalomaniac. While it would be pretty hard to get rid of all this vices at one go, the solution is to be patient, for this too shall pass.
What is a Full Moon?
Astrologically, a Full Moon occurs when the sun opposes the moon. On a really philosophical level, this symbolizes the polar opposites in your life; the different binaries that shape up your life- be it work vs. home, need vs. want etc. Also, post full moon, your domestic life comes under focus and you get much needed clarity in dealing with stuff that had plagued you when the moon was full.
The moon brings several points with it, with intuitions and emotions ruling supreme. Armed with this, you can actually look around yourself, and see reality without tinted glasses. Use this to fix your life, your relationships, and every sphere of your domain. It won’t come again.
The Full Moon obviously has a lot to do with the previous New Moon. So the plans you made during the November 7 New Moon, need to be given their final touches, all the while waiting for the results. You can also fix your attitude towards said results. This would last for a couple of weeks, till December 7 New Moon.
Full Moon November 23
Interestingly, and a tad unfortunately, this Full Moon is going to mess up your life in ways that aren’t appreciated. The squaring of Mars by the Moon would make individuals bitter, while opposing Jupiter would serve to add fuel to the fire.
Although the position of Pleiades Star Cluster is supposed to ease the pain, and bring in peace, (at 00°52′ Gemini Sign with it being at the same position as Alcyone), the position of the planets hardly make it an endearing event. It is going to be messy, folks. You better hold onto the safety hatch, and please be patient.
When the Full Moon squares Mars, it is going to make a lot of untapped anger resurface. You have to be careful that you don’t burst on someone with something that a sorry wouldn’t be able to control. Also it would be better if you take care of your emotional trials with patience, and not try to rush through it all. Rein control over your horses.
When the Moon opposes Jupiter, your private life is suddenly not private anymore. You are surrounded by a whole host of people taking undue interest in your life that is nothing but creepy and invading. If you aren’t careful, you are going to end up with a beer bottle in a rundown shack by the river, with nothing to count for.
Finally, with the Moon squaring Jupiter, please keep in mind that while you feel sexy, confident, and brash, keep that in your pocket. Now is not the time to be on the attack, unless you are provoked. Don’t get ahead of yourself which might lead to embarrassing situations. Stay calm, focused, and survey the land before you. Several new things would catch your attention, and make it easy for you to navigate through.
Full Moon November 2018 Times and Dates
Los Angeles – 22 November, 9:39 pm
New York – 23 November, 0:39 am
London – 23 November, 5:39 am
Delhi – 23 November, 10:09 am
Sydney – 23 November, 3:39 pm